Demystifying the Medical Profession and Ending the American Healthcare Monopoly

The mind hates information voids so what it doesn’t know it invents. Mystification is a process to shut down the thoughts of others so that a few puppet masters might gain some advantage from ignorance. In America, the field of medicine has been placed on a pedestal by those who are baseless in knowledge. How many legions of overweight Americans have ever opened an anatomy book or x-box playing children have ever put down their consoles in favor of finding a sick stray animal to cure?

Medicine doesn’t require more genius than numerous other professions and this is because unlike others it’s a barrier between life and death. Since death, being unknown, is the ultimate taboo the brain succumbs to the priest who calls himself a doctor and never mind that most medical problems can be cared for by nurses alone or prevented all together by living a healthy lifestyle.

Any type of transparency could shut overpriced medicine instantly. A fair market place and reasonable entrance procedures into the medical profession would bring down costs and increase value but every effort is made to justify the consolidation of already bloated pharmaceutical and insurance firms. Clouds of doubt concerning the simplicity of preserving one’s own health without spending continue to be seeded towards the irresponsibly ignorant by those who line their own pockets.

The kneejerk answer on how to become a doctor revolves consistently around school or money. Ironically both school and money are the reason why there aren’t enough doctors and why doctors themselves are even getting screwed by the system.

First off school itself is a 19th century indoctrination program cynically named by it’s robber baron inventors after a school of fish. How many schools enable students to check contaminants in their own food, water, and air and who has learned to set bones in high school class using specialized crafted models? School isn’t made to give skills. The specialty of educators is to ensure proper conformity via the proper regurgitation of information on tests. The conformed are then able to swim together in a unified quest to hand over the fruits of their workday to the elite without question. Though most Americans work 8 hours per day, four of these hours go straight to taxes which is mostly used it to further enrich the rich, then another two hours go to scams such as insurance or overpriced housing, and there might be some left for food of savings. The program is 8 hours work, 8 sleep, and 8 to do other things. Of course for most it’s 9 hours at work, 2 hours commuting. 2 hours getting ready, 2 hours winding down, and 2 hours watching TV before crashing. With the technology of today, a 4 hour workday could easily afford people the same lifestyle as gotten with the current 8 hour workday. Many jobs could be done by telecommute but of course the interface on Skype oddly enough isn’t nearly as efficient on war games such as Counter Strike.

One cannot practice medicine without attending a very costly medical school. Academia in general has become a right to work program in which students must prove themselves as good slaves by getting into debt so the medical profession is no exception and remains highest in terms of unattainability due to finances. Because of this doctors in America are being imported from India and other countries where medical education is cheap. It isn’t uncommon to find hospitals in America without even one native born American doctor working there. If there is a foreign enemy attacking Americans they certainly aren’t using soldiers or guns- simply Americans’ own stupidity and peasant superstition against themselves and they are certainly winning. The prices of basic materials in hospitals, such as syringes and tylenol, are inflated dozens of times what they would be in a pharmacy. Few of the nurses and doctors who work in the hospitals receive a fraction of what they could be paid salary wise in light of the huge scam to patients and the increasing amount of paperwork professionals are required to hand in each year wastes energies that could be used for being productive and bringing costs down. This is because the rich who are in control have devised a make-work platform to prevent anything effective from ever getting done not only in the medical field but in all aspects of American society all the way down to mere garbage collection. What has happened since the 1960’s is the number of intermediaries such as administrators, billers, claims investigators, marketers, inspectors, public relations, and lawyers has been compounded. The medical profession, like many others, has been suffocated of any pragmatism towards real purpose and turned US healthcare into one of many bloated monopolies overseen by bullshit job professionals who walk on eggshells to save themselves from the despair of unemployment while providing low value to customers.

Americans are paying at least five times what they should be paying for healthcare. In a lifetime the average person is being ripped off hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is money that could be invested in business or saved for retirement. Back in the 1950’s doctors were delivering babies for the equivalent of less than a thousand of today’s dollars- much of that technology in terms of cost and what it could actually do was similar to current circumstances. Americans need to get off their duffs and actually look at some tombstones in a nineteenth century churchyard. People did live into their nineties and even hundreds a century ago without scores of expensive medication or “doctoring”. There are chain smoking peasants in Thailand who live into their eighties without ever seeing a real doctor.

Most disturbing about this whole fiasco is that a search into Google will reveal almost nothing about the giant fraud being perpetrated on American soil- making the elephant in the room all the more obvious. Now watch the scores of paid English writing professional internet commenters based in the Phillipines and Cameroon attempt to discredit this article.

Putting an End to Panem: Fiat Money Crisis

Panem represents what the future will be if headed in it’s current direction. Currently there are a small private group of misanthropic private individuals who control the world by keeping the population desperate, greedy, and ignorant.  They’ve attained this great power by creating money from thin air- and whether it’s numbers inputted into a computer system or printed paper their created money backed by nothing other than a false promise. The ability of the worlds’ population to behave like sheep and lap up their lies is astounding.  Prices rise continually as baseless fiat money is created and people continually jump to pick up the pieces by working harder and investing in what they’re promised will keep the value of their labors intact.

The money creators would like to monetize all aspects of life  such as making people pay for the air they breathe. That’s why large cities are mostly bronchial torture chambers of car exhaust. People have to purchase air filtration systems to breathe what they’ve been coaxed into ruining, buy fashion to keep their job, pay high rent to live in hell, and spend hard earned money for food that the earth gives readily. Because the money makers take all the land from farmers they’ve indebted food supply is restricted by not producing anything on those lands. They also pollute water so people have to buy it in bottles. They buy governments and make them theirs- then subject all social and economic activity subject to censure and licensing.

They control technology by owning major production firms and pretend they are different entities competing against themselves with separate proprietary systems and standards. They pay armies of lawyers to enforce those standards with litigation using judges they buy and put offenders in jails they own. They purchase academic departments and fill them with enforcers of their textbooks. They silence critics by impoverishing and killing them in staged suicides. They make cars that are impossible to repair so that people continually have to refinance, live in impressive looking low quality houses that last exactly the length of their mortgages, and make even the act of work itself subject to buying expensive degrees and certificates in order to have permission just to do it.

They control healthcare and make even the event of death itself expensive. They disallow midwives to birth children naturally in favor of indebted doctors from medical school to do C-sections. They would like to make people pay for sunlight- if there were only a way to build a shield to block it out the sun and require people to pay money for them to open it!

Christianity took off 2000 years ago in Israel when Jesus and his followers drove out the money money changers at the temples. Money changers at that time were priests who required Jews to buy special currency in order to pay tribute to their God. Normal money backed by labor and goods would be exchanged for “magical holy currency” so that sacrifices of meal and animals by law could only be purchased only with this type of money. One would laugh in today’s world and say it’s superstitious, but in the world of that time not paying tribute to God meant facing civil consequences since both civil and religious law were connected. The exchange rate was set so that Hebrews would pay double, triple, or quadruple the normal price for meal and animal sacrifices by being forced at the point of a spear to use the priests’ fiat currency- just as tax today must be paid in the Euro, Dollar, or whatever. Christianity took off when Jesus and his mass of followers entered the temples and kicked the money changers out.

The money printers of today feel that they know best how to control our future. They have horrific hellish plans that span across centuries. They view humanity as animals to be used as slaves  and abused for twisted ideological purposes such as exposing the masses to radiation and toxins in an attempt to breed a space faring species that can survive the cosmic rays of interstellar void.

Through fiat money loaned out at interest, a small group of individuals or even a single individual can control a larger group, who then controls a larger group all the way down to the bottom of the pyramid where there are billions. That’s why there’s a ridiculous looking pyramid with an eye on the US dollar. Lunatics can steer world events by creating nothing but imaginary numbers and people believe in these numbers because fiat money has conditioned them through schooling to behave like sheep. These numbers show up on their bank accounts and this is what sheep think about all day instead of happiness and health. We all know what happens to mutton eventually.

Before 1912, every country’s money was based on how much it’s government thought fit to create or on a commodity exchange standard. After 1912 privateers took control of the USA’s money creation power and required the US state to borrow from private banks at interest instead of creating the money itself interest free. Immediately world war one started because these private entities now had something to gain from large government spending. Since then constant economic growth and wars have become the norm as society rushes in a rat race just to keep up with the interest on these profiteers imaginary money, and almost every country in the world now has copied the US by having a private- or at least semi private central bank for creating money.

Economists are paid liars who are hired to talk around this spotted elephant in the room and confuse people into not thinking about it by they’re being screwed- usually by focusing on commodity price speculation and other garbage that no ordinary person really has any control of other than the money creators. Media on internet, television, and newspapers teach people to be constantly dissatisfied with their lives because they aren’t earning enough money and don’t have enough things.

Starving poor people are hired as low as one dollar per article to saturate the once free and candid internet with reasons why we can all do better in life by shopping and changing new career and go to this school or that for a right to work, or taking medication to be happy, ect. Because the entire fiat money scam is based on never ending growth there can never be satisfaction.

When people get too satisfied, the money creators stage crises and then offer a solution of making government bigger to solve the problems which they themselves created. Taxes increase of course to pay off interest on money the government borrowed- interest plus imaginary money re-payed in real blood, tears. This is slavery, pure and simple.

We could all be prosperous, happy, and saving tomorrow and this economic crises should be over today. The powers of money creation belong to government by the people and for the people- not in private hands lending the government money and then promising to lend the government more to solve the financial crises that they created but only when interest is paid back. The US has it’s head so far up it’s ass that the government borrowed money from private banks at interest just to pay them back that same money plus interest in the form of bailouts so that the banks wouldn’t throw people out of their houses for not paying mortgage.

Money creators are trying desperately every way they can to keep the public divided against itself and asleep. These times however are more dangerous than those of Jesus. The money creators might actually do something desperate like paying soldiers to launch a nuclear holocaust if they are crazy enough. The Hunger Games world is a perfect example of what they would create in the aftermath so it’s important to resolve this issue without violence in a pragmatic and peaceful way- as opposed to the violent revolutions money printers finance whenever they want a government to be changed.

Technology can and should benefit all of humanity instead of a few. Many more people can live on this Earth happily now and for future generations to come. Billions of minds will become much sharper without the control systems in place today forcing most of humanity to be ignorant, petty, desperate, hungry, and sick. There are many solutions against cancer which can enable expansion of our species into space and the very life of this planet- their sadistic solution of breeding and killing us is a lie.

Science has shown that only a tiny fraction of an average human brain is used for thinking which means that there is huge potential for mind expansion if we only would tap into those resources we were born with instead of repressing them. A more intelligent and happy human species could not only coexist without kicking each others teeth out as is done today, but develop space faring technology faster, weather technology to make it rain in deserts, genetic technology for more efficient crops, and happier ways of living that are simpler and less resource consuming.

All seven billion of us need to recognize that there is no problem except the insane “Capitol” and it’s imaginary money.

The Capitol of Panem in Salt Lake City

Panem is a fictional country set one century in the future from now and it’s “Capitol” is where Salt Lake City is today. The film viewer clearly sees the Great Salt Lake in the western foreground of the Capitol and the river that flows into it from the city- just as it does in Salt Lake City today. The mountains behind it mark the eastern edge of the Rockies.

The name Panem appears to be not only a play on “Pan America” but also on the ancient Roman word “panem”- meaning bread. “Panem et circ” was how Roman expressed bread and circuses. Rome, the capitol of the empire, was not only responsible for feeding it’s citizens but also for entertaining them. The “Hunger Games” title of the movie represents the circus for this new capitol of whose empire’s very name represents sustenance.

The flag of Panem has an eagle on it just like the American flag does, the Roman flag, Franco’s Spanish flag, the Nazi emblem displayed in banners under the swastika, or any number of third world dictatorships today and in the past.  Panem’s eagle is surrounded by a wreath of laurels. The only flag today containing a laurel wreath is the UN flag but instead of an eagle in the center of it there is a globe. The wings of Panem’s eagle are spread in a wide reaching circle that appears like a sun- perhaps tribute to the Egyptian sun god Rah or the Greek Helios in order to transform it’s wings into an ancient emblem of mystique.

A Roman emperor two thousand years ago was called a Caesar and he always wore a laurel wreath upon his head to show supreme over the empire. Likewise, Jesus was forced by the Romans to have a wreath of thorns pounded into his skull as a mockery before being executed. In Panem, the laurel wreath wrapped around the Eagle likely represents centralized control over Pan America (Canada, USA, Central America).

The Hunger Games television show host is aptly named Caesar because a Roman Caesar would personally host circuses in the capital (Rome) where lions would devour Christians and gladiators pummel each other to death. The Hunger Games is also bloody.  The true head of state in Panem, unlike the public figure Caesars of Rome,  is withdrawn. His name is president Snow and he is the opposite of the televised Caeasar. As the name “Hunger Games” contradicts any nourishment, the name “Snow” contrasts strongly with the colorful flowers of Snow’s private garden in which he spends most of his time.

The backdrop of Panem’s flag is not the starts and stripes of the US nor the peaceful maroon of the UN, but rather a crimson red. Flags using crimson red today are the communist flags of China, Vietnam and previously the USSR. Most of the world’s programming, manufacturing, and other factory labor is based out of communist countries today.

Panem is a communist country because it’s activities are centrally controlled from the Capitol. One thing to note is that Panem’s “peacekeepers” wear the same white as UN peacekeepers do now. Of course whether it be Haiti or Cyprus, there is rarely any peace when peacekeepers arrive even after decades. White tanks and helmets add more irony to both this film and the dystopia we presently find ourselves in.

On the Panem map in the monorail the movie viewer is glance at a map of North America in which certain areas have been submerged. One possible explanation for this is that there was biological or radiological contamination of current high population areas rendering them uninhabitable- or perhaps they were not permitted to be repopulated by force.  Places like Death Valley, currently below sea level, may be flooded with ocean water allowing more condensation inland. It’s also been suggested that this geography is a result of global warming but then why do Seattle and the bay area not show as tiny islands or not at all?

The districts where the slaves toil are situated very far away from one other and each focuses on one unique industry- it’s impossible for any of them to function independently without the capitol’s direction. This is not unlike the contrived scientific/academic departments or regional development zones of today. Polymaths such as Thomas Edison or Galileo are very dangerous to communists who require societies under their thumb and getting the sheep to explore their wolf sides by policing each other into thinking with half a brain via excessive bureaucracy, committees, regulations, ect.

Perhaps in the event of a biological, ecological, or nuclear catastrophe the UN would step in and partner a coalition between the United States, Canada, and Mexico in Salt Lake City to assist survivors. It’s interesting to note that Salt Lake City is currently where many surveillance and drone programs are situated. There are references to genetically engineered birds in the film where such “birds” listen to enemies of Panem and repeat what they say to H.Q. -just like the world wide web and smart-phones do today. Some of these birds breed with wild ones and their offspring become “mocking jays”.

Needless to say, the Hunger Games is neither a joyful nor hopeful vision of the future. The epitome of Panem civilization are foppily dressed degenerates drinking elixirs to induce vomiting so that they can gorge themselves repeatedly on gourmet food while most district slaves can’t fetch a morsel to survive on. The film shows this horror in a flashy fairy tale Hollywood format-no doubt to look glamorous for the kiddy audience it’s targeted towards desensitizing. Of course the super sadists are played by namebrands such as Dennis Hopper and the sardonic looking Seymore Hoffman-recently deceased. The viewer is supposed to respect them, whereas the hero Katnis Evergreen and her friends are all surprisingly mediocre in both looks and script lines. We are being taught who is cool.

Would such a civilization ever produce a cornucopia of interstellar wealth? I think not. When the Roman Empire fell so did Europe’s gene pool, prospects, and infrastructure after which ensued a thousand year long dark age. Russia is besot with belligerent drunks today because the Soviet system encouraged them to multiply while stamping out those nice people who could make it without Moscow’s direction. Hitler destroyed Germany by keeping up a war he couldn’t win so that American bankers could rebuild it in their own image. We all know that Washington/Euro minions and their fiat money printing owners make ten figure earnings by shutting down the non-communist world so efficiently.

It is in all likelihood that the aim of producing this film was that of marketing communism by spinning it to appear trendy. Naive teeny boppers will eat it up the cruel communist mentality and no doubt start recording each others’ minor school infractions on their smart phones in order to collect reward points from the principal so they can purchase fop apparel and more smart devices. Hoo rah!

Purpose and Plan of Panem

The Purpose of Panem: turn Earth into a nature planet free of conscious machines that could eliminate humans entirely but at the same time promote biological evolution towards the radioactive environment of space. Space has zero gravity and plenty of resources such as carbon, water, and oxygen stored within asteroids and interstellar clouds so it is more economical to live there than on earth. Radiation is the only problem so evolution against cancer is the number one priority of Panem.

Step 1: control the money supply. Make sure that only Panem cronies can print the money. (Done in 1912 in the USA followed by all countries)

Step 2: Use the fiat money to fund a bunch of wars, selectively kill off men who might hot tempers towards fiat money by sending them to the front lines. Have officers trained to select who should be meat ground. Turn war into a social filtering system. Use it to train peacekeepers. (done throughout 20th century and early 21st)

Step 3a: Use fiat money to fund a bunch of mind control programs in developed countries that turn people dependent on Panem’s governance programs. Fluoridate their water, dumb down the school system, create lots of mind washing movies that make people lose control of their facilities, create rock and roll music to encourage recklessness, give free college to hippies and print them lots of money so that they can destroy their own society and children- don’t print money or create fake high paying jobs for their children and end their rebellious bloodlines with skateboarders smoking wax weed. (Done 1960- 2015)

Step 3b: Use fiat money to loan third world governments knowing they can never pay it back. Keep those populations un-rested while the developed countries die in decadence. The third world people will get stronger and more resentful of developed countries while developed countries grow weak.  (Done 1960-2015)

Step 4: Use fiat money to create a secret military communications system that runs as subroutine on standard telephone wires so that USSR and USA can pretend to be enemies while exchanging secrets on how to make slaves Soviet Style vs Consumer Credit style as well as weapon and mind control technology. When either USA or USSR falls, turn this system into a public net. Then record exactly what goes on in society at all times and use this information to figure out what fiat money should be printed for in order to stamp out all resistance to fiat money printing. (Done 1960- ongoing)

Step 5:  Using fiat money, encourage consumer products to be created that give the public lots of cancer. Through natural selection, a new breed of human will emerge that is suitable for space colonization- space being a place of high radiation. This process should take a couple of centuries.  Also build lots of nuclear power plants on unstable ground near the sea so that they will leak radiation into the ocean- this will build up the general genome tolerance towards gamma rays in space. Also encourage lots of radiation emitting consumer devices.  (1930- ongoing)

Step 6: In case of popular panic attack against plan, release nukes and wipe out most major cities. Don’t use too many plagues but do play around with ebola and adrenaline inducing rabies to create zombies. Don’t wipe out all humans because using human labor is much safer than using artificially intelligent robots. 500 million optimum population. Do not release the nukes on billions until technology has been built up effectively by brainslaves in India and China for cheap microcode- these countries have a history of shuttermind slavery and castes so therefore can produce unlimited technology in highly compartmentalized and controllable factories. In the meantime, keep north America and Europe fairly clear- if too many Indians and Chinese are allowed to migrate there they will lose their hunger to be brain slaves so find their worst lot of Indians and Chinese (all nationalities in the world) and have turn them against their own kind to help Panem. Turn north America into a heavily policed continent and slowly wipe out all the low class people there by creating unemployment and lots of meth. Make sure that it becomes a continent exclusively for high class people and their guest worker servants. Europe should be the same.

Step 7: Africa has lots of resources but the problem is too many Africans. Give them lots of weapons because they are primitive violent flighty people who love to kill each other and they can war about who gets to control Africa’s natural resources to sell to the rest of the world. Also give them lots of free food so they will copulate frequently and make lots of babies for the meat grinder as well as spread AIDS to one another. Again, they are mindless so natural selection will eventually make them immune to viruses- ideal test subjects for pathogen endurance tests. Let the most intelligent ones migrate out of Africa to Asia, Europe, and the Americas- put them in universities and companies to keep order since they have been bred by Panem’s very own social programs to be resentful of non-Africans and will therefore make great Panem agents. Give lots of welfare to stupid Africans already living in the Americas and Europe so that they will become completely sluggish and dependent, then take away their welfare, sterilize them, and use them as labor slaves in prisons.

Step 8: Watch out for China and India- these societies could end up revolting against the Panem plan. Create more slave areas from small countries in southeast Asia, Africa, Balkan Europe, and if possible south America. Encourage an international language to homogenize people making them more interchangeable and enabling better monitoring of their activities. It’s better to have lots of small countries united into zones than big countries because the idea is to control migration between geographic areas in a very selective and scalable way.

Step 9: The NUKING! Provides extra radiation, eliminates billions of redundant lives, allows the creation of new Panem Superstate. Do this in about the year 2020 when the shit really hits the fan. Make it happen all of a sudden through fiat money motivation.

Step 10: Create post apocalyptic work brigade of refugee slaves. Build big monorail across apocalyptic landscape, dynamite canal from Pacific into death valley to encourage precipitation in the western north American desert. Set up slave districts near radiation areas (again the natural selection for space thing).  (2020’s-2040’s)

Step 11: Make Salt Lake City into a fabulous capitol . Have some games where young people slaughter each other every year in a fashion show olympics. Make a movie about it years before doing it so that people see it as inevitable and coming. Make zombie movies too, lots of violent movies to encourage macho posturing and alcoholism, dumb cartoons, mindless video games, put lots of hormones in consumer plastics to turn teenagers into queens, toms, ect. Then after the nuking put all the tough people in the districts for fishermen, manufacturers, brainslaves, ect. (based on genetic makeup) and all the fun people in the capitol. Wait a few hundred years until cancer is bred out and then build rockets to seed space habitats. (2040-2115)ModernEconomics