Demystifying the Medical Profession and Ending the American Healthcare Monopoly

The mind hates information voids so what it doesn’t know it invents. Mystification is a process to shut down the thoughts of others so that a few puppet masters might gain some advantage from ignorance. In America, the field of medicine has been placed on a pedestal by those who are baseless in knowledge. How many legions of overweight Americans have ever opened an anatomy book or x-box playing children have ever put down their consoles in favor of finding a sick stray animal to cure?

Medicine doesn’t require more genius than numerous other professions and this is because unlike others it’s a barrier between life and death. Since death, being unknown, is the ultimate taboo the brain succumbs to the priest who calls himself a doctor and never mind that most medical problems can be cared for by nurses alone or prevented all together by living a healthy lifestyle.

Any type of transparency could shut overpriced medicine instantly. A fair market place and reasonable entrance procedures into the medical profession would bring down costs and increase value but every effort is made to justify the consolidation of already bloated pharmaceutical and insurance firms. Clouds of doubt concerning the simplicity of preserving one’s own health without spending continue to be seeded towards the irresponsibly ignorant by those who line their own pockets.

The kneejerk answer on how to become a doctor revolves consistently around school or money. Ironically both school and money are the reason why there aren’t enough doctors and why doctors themselves are even getting screwed by the system.

First off school itself is a 19th century indoctrination program cynically named by it’s robber baron inventors after a school of fish. How many schools enable students to check contaminants in their own food, water, and air and who has learned to set bones in high school class using specialized crafted models? School isn’t made to give skills. The specialty of educators is to ensure proper conformity via the proper regurgitation of information on tests. The conformed are then able to swim together in a unified quest to hand over the fruits of their workday to the elite without question. Though most Americans work 8 hours per day, four of these hours go straight to taxes which is mostly used it to further enrich the rich, then another two hours go to scams such as insurance or overpriced housing, and there might be some left for food of savings. The program is 8 hours work, 8 sleep, and 8 to do other things. Of course for most it’s 9 hours at work, 2 hours commuting. 2 hours getting ready, 2 hours winding down, and 2 hours watching TV before crashing. With the technology of today, a 4 hour workday could easily afford people the same lifestyle as gotten with the current 8 hour workday. Many jobs could be done by telecommute but of course the interface on Skype oddly enough isn’t nearly as efficient on war games such as Counter Strike.

One cannot practice medicine without attending a very costly medical school. Academia in general has become a right to work program in which students must prove themselves as good slaves by getting into debt so the medical profession is no exception and remains highest in terms of unattainability due to finances. Because of this doctors in America are being imported from India and other countries where medical education is cheap. It isn’t uncommon to find hospitals in America without even one native born American doctor working there. If there is a foreign enemy attacking Americans they certainly aren’t using soldiers or guns- simply Americans’ own stupidity and peasant superstition against themselves and they are certainly winning. The prices of basic materials in hospitals, such as syringes and tylenol, are inflated dozens of times what they would be in a pharmacy. Few of the nurses and doctors who work in the hospitals receive a fraction of what they could be paid salary wise in light of the huge scam to patients and the increasing amount of paperwork professionals are required to hand in each year wastes energies that could be used for being productive and bringing costs down. This is because the rich who are in control have devised a make-work platform to prevent anything effective from ever getting done not only in the medical field but in all aspects of American society all the way down to mere garbage collection. What has happened since the 1960’s is the number of intermediaries such as administrators, billers, claims investigators, marketers, inspectors, public relations, and lawyers has been compounded. The medical profession, like many others, has been suffocated of any pragmatism towards real purpose and turned US healthcare into one of many bloated monopolies overseen by bullshit job professionals who walk on eggshells to save themselves from the despair of unemployment while providing low value to customers.

Americans are paying at least five times what they should be paying for healthcare. In a lifetime the average person is being ripped off hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is money that could be invested in business or saved for retirement. Back in the 1950’s doctors were delivering babies for the equivalent of less than a thousand of today’s dollars- much of that technology in terms of cost and what it could actually do was similar to current circumstances. Americans need to get off their duffs and actually look at some tombstones in a nineteenth century churchyard. People did live into their nineties and even hundreds a century ago without scores of expensive medication or “doctoring”. There are chain smoking peasants in Thailand who live into their eighties without ever seeing a real doctor.

Most disturbing about this whole fiasco is that a search into Google will reveal almost nothing about the giant fraud being perpetrated on American soil- making the elephant in the room all the more obvious. Now watch the scores of paid English writing professional internet commenters based in the Phillipines and Cameroon attempt to discredit this article.